GSoC 2017: Log #5
22 Aug 2017 | Jitsi GSoC WebRTCI have started working on the next project, Jitsi Meet Spot. Jitsi Meet Spot is a video conference application powered by Jitsi Meet, which is suited for a physical conferecne room environment rather than a personal desktop environment.
My job was to set up a HTTP server that receives command from clients, and uses JitsiMeetEXternalAPI to initiate the meeting, or control the conference setting such as muting the auido/video.
The HTTP command consists of two components: command type and arguments. Currently, it is missing the client side application, so the server can be tested by sending curl request.
curl --data "command=<command.type>&args=<arguments>" <targetURL>
The supported commands are:
- join conference
- hangup
- toggle audio
- toggle video
- toggle film strip
- toggle chat
- toggle contact list